Helping Churches Assess-Change-Thrive
(607) 287-8095
Area Demographics and Psychograpic Study
A report can be generated that provides the church with an up-to-date look at the area demographics and psychograpics (study of values, opinions attitudes and interests) in a defined area around the church . Typically the area is defined by distance from the church or the distance from which members travel farthest to get to the church.
Results are used as inputs to ministry activities.
Building Use
Assessment seeks to evaluate current use of ministry buildings and facilities to determine more efficient ways to utilize space. Evaluation will be guided by current and/or future ministry needs. Recommendations may include: Building modifications, equipment changes/additions or cosmetic changes.
Church Ministry Assessment/Planning
The Ministry Assessment seeks to help the church assess whether ministry activities and objectives are aligned with the current or future church vision and long-term planning.
The Assessment will review Church staffing, organization structure, ministry objectives, attendance and giving, and congregation inputs to generate a summary report.
In addition to the report, coaching and support can be provided for the ministry change and implementation plans.
A review of current ministry processes would lead to recommended changes to improve process efficiency and effectiveness. The assessment may also lead to recommending new processes to address issues or challenges the church may be facing.
Typically this assessment would include website review, giving, calendar management, church management software review, etc.
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